About Us

  • Our Company

    Keshav Surgicals, right from incorporation, have been serving the patients, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and healthcare instititions with sincerity and honesty with products and solutions that help them help and to help others.

    Health care is evolving rapidly. More stringent patient requirements. New care delivery models. We understand your challenges and strive to make your job easier with reliable, quality products at a great price. Dedicated to providing the most efficient medical and surgical equipment to patients and healthcare professionals. At Keshav Surgicals, we are committed to respond to our customer needs.


    Advancing Frontline Care

    We offer products that focuses on what we like to call the “frontline of care” – doctors’ offices, hospital emergency rooms, clinics, and skilled nursing facilities – the places where 95 percent of all patients seek treatment, but where just 5 percent of resources are utilized. Care Surgicals has built a reputation for providing the most advanced technologies and solutions available to caregivers in frontline settings.

    With every new product, every day, Care Surgicals works to give frontline care providers the ability to assess, diagnose, treat, and manage a wide variety of illnesses and diseases, focus on more patients, perform more procedures, and provide better on-site care.

    Our Core Value

    Be Always Kind And True

    We treat each other with dignity and respect and act in an honest and ethical way in all our interactions.

    Valued Behaviors

    Customer Intimacy

    We build customer relationships that guide our success

    We understand that the customer is the reason that we exist as a company. We intentionally build strong collaborative relationships with our customers/ suppliers. By deeply understanding customer needs we more effectively provide solutions to help them be successful.

    Communicate to understanding

    We seek to thoroughly understand and be understood

    We engage in respectful, collaborative, timely, and complete dialogue. We clearly convey ideas and share our point of view, while maintaining openness to different perspectives. We listen to understand and respectfully question to achieve clarity of message and expectations. We openly discuss critical issues directly with the people involved, not leaving important things unsaid and delivering difficult messages with care.

  • Urgency on the Vital

    We take action on what’s vital

    We focus on execution of priorities that balance short and long term business needs. We proactively remove barriers, solve problems and prioritize to ensure the vital work of the organization gets accomplished.


    We understand that our success depends on awareness

    We incorporate an understanding of our business opportunities/challenges and varied customer needs into the decisions we make and the work that we do. We partner with our colleagues, suppliers and customers, sharing and leveraging our cultural differences and knowledge, to successfully compete in all markets.

  • Connected

    We partner with our colleagues to achieve results

    We build trusting relationships and collaborate with colleagues across functions, sites and regions. We actively identify those who need to be involved in a decision or project and bring them in at the appropriate time. We break down barriers, raise issues and resolve challenges together. We proactively seek and share information and best practices to increase the success of the organization.

    Build Our Talents

    We continually develop ourselves and others

    We value the talent and contributions of those with whom we work. We partner with our colleagues in addressing challenges and celebrating successes. We strive to grow our own knowledge, skills, and abilities and enable others to do the same by providing coaching, mentoring, new opportunities, and constructive feedback.

  • Deliver

    We do what we say we are going to do

    We hold ourselves accountable to our responsibilities and commitments. We actively debate issues, make timely decisions and then work together to deliver results. We recognize that in a dynamic environment, our priorities may change and when they do, we proactively renegotiate commitments. We use learning from past experiences to continuously improve our ability to perform.